Yellow Lines

This work came about as a challenge to myself to explore the colour yellow, as I had never really liked the colour! This focus meant that I started to collect images of anything yellow and I began to see them in a new light. As a result I became obsessed by yellow line road markings.


I love the physicality of line and the marks left when the paint starts to break up over time. I explored this in various ways including print making, enamelling and photography.


I also did some research about the origins of the road markings and was rather delighted to find out that they were the result of a road safety competition held in 1947 aimed at reducing traffic accidents. The winner was a Mr George Musgrave of Eastbourne who won the princely sum of £2 for his trouble! 


I handmade two concertina books to commemorate this which contain a montage of images of yellow lines that I photographed locally.

George Musgrave's Monument Vols 1 & 2